Light SPC | Unilin Technologies
Light SPC is a groundbreaking concept that redefines sustainability in the flooring industry. At its core, Light SPC is a lightweight, environmentally conscious flooring material that delivers a multitude of benefits, both in terms of production efficiency and environmental impact.
Compared to regular SPC of the same thickness, the Light SPC solution is up to 30% lighter. The weight reduction extends to transportation, leading to lower shipping costs and reduced energy consumption. Light SPC minimizes the environmental impact associated with flooring distribution, making it an ideal choice for environmentally conscious consumers.
One of Light SPC's most significant advantages lies in its production efficiency. Its reduced weight enhances the extruder's output, significantly boosting production capacity while minimizing energy consumption. This translates into a more eco-friendly production process, reducing material waste and lowering the environmental footprint.
Moreover, Light SPC's lightweight properties extend the lifespan of production equipment, reducing wear and tear and lowering maintenance requirements. This not only conserves resources but also aligns with sustainable manufacturing practices.
A standout feature of Light SPC is its optimized material ratio. Light SPC adopts a more sustainable ratio that reduced materials which results in a significant material reduction of over 600 kg per cubic meter compared to regular SPC. This is equal to the weight of 6 baby elephants. This exemplifies a commitment to responsible resource management.
Light SPC's implementation offers numerous benefits, making it a sustainable choice for flooring. Its foamed core with micro cells meets indentation resistance standards, ensuring dimensional stability and long-lasting performance. It addresses environmental concerns, improves production efficiency, and optimizes material usage, setting a new standard for eco-conscious manufacturing and flooring solutions.
Die Eigenschaften
At the core of its eco-friendliness is the simple yet powerful concept of using less material. With its lower weight and optimized material ratios, it sets an example of efficient resource utilization.
Compared to traditional SPC flooring of the same thickness, Light SPC is up to 30% lighter. This reduction in weight carries through to every stage of its lifecycle, from production to transportation and installation. Its lighter weight means that it requires less energy to transport. Fewer trucks are needed for delivery, cutting down on fuel consumption and emissions. This transportation efficiency not only lowers costs but also contributes to a healthier planet.
Light SPC’s lightweight properties enhance the efficiency of the production process. With a reduced weight per unit, the extruder's output is enhanced, leading to a boost in production capacity. This increased productivity minimizes energy consumption, creating a more eco-friendly production process. It also leads to less material waste, reducing the environmental impact further.
Additionally, Light SPC's lightweight nature extends the lifespan of production equipment, as it experiences less wear and tear. This conserves resources and aligns with sustainable manufacturing practices, demonstrating a commitment to responsible resource management.
Another compelling aspect of Light SPC is its optimized material ratio, using over 600 KG less material per cubic meter – that’s 6 baby elephants – compared to SPC, while maintaining performance standards. This exemplifies a dedication to minimizing resource usage without compromising quality.
Unilin Technologies | Halle 20 | Stand C22
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