#1 Blog post by Ester Bruzkus
Both in the run-up to DOMOTEX 2019 and during the event our trend scout Ester Bruzkus will be relating her first-hand personal impressions and experiences from the world of floor coverings. In the space of just a few years this architect from Berlin soon gained an international reputation as a hotel designer.
What floor-related associations does the new keynote theme "CREATE'N'CONNECT" have for you?
In my line of work, the floor is fundamental to the entire interior design concept. Floors in shared areas enable direct connections between people and are therefore a vitally important part of any interior design. They also have to look fabulous, be easy-care, non-slip and resistant to dirt and corrosive substances. For my architecture firm and for me as a professional, the floor is always the biggest challenge of every project and hence also one of the most important project milestones.
CREATE'N'CONNECT sums up my feelings about DOMOTEX 2019: I'm really looking forward to connecting with exciting new manufacturers and the creative people behind them and to discovering new products and the possibilities they open up. I can't wait to find out how tomorrow’s floors might function as a connecting element in my work, whether in the form of uniquely innovative and sustainable materials, technical innovations involving light, power and heating, or new kinds of seamless floor coverings.
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