Here you'll find all questions and answers around DOMOTEX and COVID-19.
Answers key questions on DOMOTEX
DOMOTEX is particularly affected by the impact of the Corona pandemic because the vast majority of DOMOTEX exhibitors and visitors come from abroad. However, given the current pandemic situation, international business travel is not expected to recover in the short term. DOMOTEX will therefore not be held in January 2022.
Due to the cancellation of DOMOTEX in January 2022, the right to a refund of the ticket price actually paid. The purchase price of the visitor ticket will be refunded in case it was made via the DOMOTEX Shop. The refund will be made automatically.
For further questions, please contact the ticket hotline (+49 511 89 - 37777).
Costs already incurred and/or paid, e.g. for hotel accommodation or airline tickets, cannot be reimbursed by Deutsche Messe AG.
The organizers are looking into a DOMOTEX date later in the calendar year 2022.
During our trade shows, we are introducing guidance systems to make it easier for visitors to maintain their distance from each other without slowing down foot traffic in the aisles. In addition, we will make sure there is good ventilation of the entrance gates, halls and conference rooms and frequent cleaning and disinfection. Otherwise, the same rules as everywhere else will apply: Visitors need to maintain a distance of 1.50 meters and, as appropriate, wear mouth and nose protection. In addition, everyone will need to supply their personal details when registering, so that infection paths can be traced if there is a need to. Our catering will also comply with all the relevant legal requirements. And as is to be expected, we will be in close communication with the responsible health authorities and provide medical services at the exhibition center around the clock.
By the way, we are delighted at all the positive feedback we have been getting from visitors and exhibitors – feedback that underscores the important role trade shows play in general, and how much our clientele relies on our trade shows as a place for gathering information, doing business and engaging in networking. This gives us added motivation as we work all-out to prepare our shows, analog, hybrid or digital, which we are sure will give the industry perfect opportunities for kicking their business back into high gear.
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No legal claims can be derived from this information overview. Subject to changes and errors, current status: 22.11.2021.
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